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3rd March 2013 - Evening - Revd. Preb Maureen Hobbs
Sermon for Lent 3 - evening 2013
Genesis 28. 10 - 19a
John 1. 35 - end

'Come and see' what a wealth of promise and excitement and anticipation is bound up in those three little words.... "Come and see - what I've done!; - what's happened now !; - what the dog/ baby / husband / wife has been up to! It implies that words alone are not enough.... Seeing is believing - or so we are told and that surely is the impetus that lies behind these little words "Come and see...."

But sometimes words are not enough.

You can explain to someone the delights of a favourite hobby or pastime, until you are blue in the face, but it is unlikely that you will really fire up their imagination and make them want to take part too by just using words. But if you take them along with you - to a football or cricket match (have you ever tried explaining the finer points of cricket - or the offside rule - to someone who's never seen a match played?!!), if they see for themselves. If they experience with their own senses the enthusiasm of the crowd; if they witness the dedication of the team ; or if they actually get the chance to have a go themselves - well! Then you are much more likely to have converted them into a fellow fan, or enthusiast or hobbyist - "Come and see".

And isn't that just what David Attenborough has done for us all these years? With those wonderful natural history programmes? We cannot all be explorers through the rainforest or across Antarctica. We cannot view the wonders of nature and Creation half a world away - at least not in the ordinary run of things ... but through the wonder of film and modern technology that is just what we are enabled to do.... without even leaving the comfort of our armchair. Still we can "Come and see.... " and marvel and wonder - and be made to care about the future of the Polar bears as their sea-ice melts or of the Tigers in India as their territory shrinks to tiny reservations with little opportunity to establish safe areas for breeding and bringing up their cubs.

So Jesus does not say, "Come and listen to what I have to say." ; or "Come and study this portion of the scriptures with me" ; or "Come and learn how to perform an exorcism or a baptism or anything else...." he just says "Come and see ... " for only by seeing for ourselves can we be brought to believe that he is who we think he is.

And there is another interesting thought for us in this passage. The two disciples of John think that they are taking the initiative in going after Jesus to discover if he truly is the Messiah. Their former teacher John has suggested as much, "Behold the Lamb of God". But they have to go looking for themselves to be sure.
They think they have found Jesus - when in reality, it is Jesus who has found them. And just to emphasise the point, as Jesus' first followers begin to come to him, begin to see what all the fuss is about, Jesus starts giving them new names - nicknames if you like, full of humour and hidden meaning.

This church - like many throughout the Midlands - is dedicated to St Chad - and we celebrate his name-day this weekend.... It was actually yesterday, but that is close enough!

And because of that - and our dedication, and the fact that I began my ordained ministry in another church dedicated to St Chad, I have always had a soft spot for this particular, home-grown saint. And Chad was not only home-grown (in that he was British/Celtic) but he was also somewhat homespun - in that he was renowned for his modesty, humility and holiness. I get the feeling in reading about him that he was a thoroughly nice chap - and the same cannot be said for all the early figures in the Church! And now he has a community founded in his name, the St Chad's community - ordinary people in ordinary parishes throughout the Midlands and even further afield, who look to Chad as an example of how to live the Christian life. How to let the light of Christ shine through to other people - enabling Christ to go about his work of reaching out to people so that they may find him - and he may find them. And this community emphasises that it is by God's grace - as well as through our faith - that we can do anything in His name....

So, to return to our reading this evening, Simon becomes Cephas, the Aramaic word for a rock or stone. In Greek this becomes Petros, from which we get the name Peter of course. And these early followers discover for themselves what human beings have been finding ever since.... That when you go looking for Jesus, you often discover that he is looking for you - and you will remember that day for ever.
But whether the name is Peter or Chad, or the name of our partner, or granny, or that neighbour down the road you have been meaning to speak to for ages .... the important thing to remember is that someone, somewhere has said to you "Come and see" - so why not try saying it to someone else the next time you are coming to church? Find your voice and ask them! Come and see - what all the fuss is about. Come and see how God loves you. Come and see how he can make a difference in your life - through faith and by grace..... Come and see....